Saturday, November 15, 2008

Thing 10: Uncommonly Creative with Creative Commons

Wow!  So that's how MIT was able to put all those courses up on the web.  I have taken advantage of some of their materials during the past year (always giving proper credit, of course), and have thought that it was just such a swell thing for them to do, but never understanding how they could put all that material out there and not worry about a zillion people running off with their copyrighted research, etc.  So CC was the way.

I'm sorry I haven't noticed the CC logo until now.  I know I'm not the most observant person in the world, but I hate letting technology stuff slip by me.  Especially when it comes to copyright issues.  And I have to admit that I thought putting a URL with a photo in your online material was enough credit as long as its author had not expressly forbidden it to be used.  Yeesh; I hate 20/20 hindsight, but it's better than no sight.

Learning about CC will come in so handy for my classes because my students are constantly asking how to cite this or that.  They really are worried about plagiarism, especially with the Honor Code we have at our school; no one wants to be called up on Honor Code violations, even if it's unintentional.  So they watch their Ps and Qs, and this will help tremendously.

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